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Discover the Benefits of Bird Friendly Glass from Viracon

Javitz small (560 × 373 px)

"Flying High" with Viracon's Bird Friendly Glass

The glass manufacturing company Viracon has developed a unique type of glass known as their 'Bird Friendly Glass.' This glass features printed patterns, which can be barely visible to the human eye, but make a world of difference to our avian friends. This special patterned glass allows birds to see the windows, preventing bird collisions.

Safe Spaces: Real-Life Success Stories

The Jacob K. Javits Convention Center in New York City is a great example of how we can make a difference in the lives of our feathered friends. The center saw a significant decrease in bird deaths by a staggering 90% after installing Viracon's Bird Friendly Glass. The convention center's unique design, which includes a bird habitat on its green roof, attracts a variety of bird species. The use of bird-safe Glass has made the building a haven for these birds, providing them with safe spaces to rest and feed, without the risk of colliding with the glass. This success story is a testament to the incredible impact that Bird Friendly Glass can have on our ecosystem and the importance of incorporating sustainable and eco-friendly elements into our structures.

A Greener Tomorrow: Taking Action

We can all make a difference by spreading awareness of this innovative and eco-friendly product. If you'reViracon logo designing or bidding a commercial project, consider incorporating Viracon's Bird Friendly Glass into your design. Let's work together to create a world that prioritizes the safety and well-being of all living creatures, including our much-loved feathered friends.

"Birds are a miracle because they prove to us there is a finer, simpler state of being which we may strive to attain." – Douglas Coupland

Assisting Architects in Creating Sustainable and Bird-Friendly Structures with Bird Friendly Glass

Architects play a crucial role in designing sustainable and eco-friendly buildings. Martineau & Co recognizes this and has made it their mission to assist architects in incorporating Bird Friendly Glass into their structures. They understand that the integration of this type of glass can be a complex process, and their team of experts is ready to provide guidance and support every step of the way.

Martineau & Co offers a wide range of services, including:

  • Consultations

  • Product recommendations

We work closely with architects to ensure that the Bird Friendly Glass is seamlessly integrated into the design and meets local law 15.

By partnering with Martineau & Co, architects can rest assured that their vision for a sustainable and bird-friendly structure will be realized. Together, we can make a positive change for our feathered friends and the planet.

Schedule a Meeting about Bird Friendly Glass